In the seventh year of execution, the Toyota Green Initiative campaign continues to foster fresh, innovative ideas around sustainability that both resonate with consumers and motivate them to learn about the Toyota brand and make a difference within the African-American community. The program reinforces how the consumers can literally and figuratively drive sustainability into their lives and community.
Working with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), TGI is multi-tiered program activated at campuses, high profile football games, conference basketball tournaments and two music festivals, Afropunk and Broccoli City Festival. The activations include sustainability centric activities with tips, facts and tools, a Day of Service, a lecture series with multicultural sustainability experts, and a Green Your Campus Initiative.
Whether on the road, in the home, at work or school, the vehicle and consumer touchpoints demonstrate the ways Toyota continues to bring sustainability into everyday actions. Through these engagements the campaign not only encourages consumers to drive Toyota hybrids, but also showcases how Toyota is a driving force in improving their communities.